I like this picture of this cat in the sweater because it look so cute and warm.
1. 1.What is the mood of the 1st video?
I think the mood of video 1 is happy because it’s about making something easier for you to do.
2. 2.What is the mood of the 2nd video?
This video seemed possessed because it was chopped up into clips and gave it less exposure and it had dark music.
Song #1: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
It makes me feel crazy, happy, joyful, nice, weird, glamorous, funny, alive, exciting, and wild.
Song #2: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Weird, ironic, bitter, cutting, wacky, ridiculous, terrible, tired, twisted, and sour.
Song #3: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Soothing, restful, peaceful, friendly, gentle, warm, calm, cool, collected and steady.
Song #4: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Alarming, insane, freaked out, weird, idiotic, monstrous, mental, funny, unusual and dingy.
Song #5: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
1. Describe in your own words what a “snap happy photographer” is.
The snap happy photographer is a photographer that takes a picture at a random over and over again with little thought to the thing they're focusing on in the picture.
2. Describe in your own words what an “over planner” is.
An over planner is a photographer that takes a very long time to take a picture because they want to make sure they have just the right amount of exposure in their picture.
3. Explain why you are either a snap happy photographer, or an over planner. Give one specific example of how you work.
I think I'm an over planner because I usually take a long time taking my pictures and making sure my exposure in my photo is just right.
4. What are 2 questions listed in the article that you can use to help plan your photos better?
1. What is going on in the background of this shot?
2. Is the place i'm shooting in light or dark?
5. Why can taking too much time kill a creative moment?
Because you need to assess the moment to see whether its appropriate to take your time shooting or not.
6. Why is it important to ask yourself questions as you take photos?
Its important to ask yourself a question because it helps you make your picture a lot better because you thought about it.
Daily Response Worksheet
Write in Full Sentences.
1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a couple of people hanging around in a park. It looks like it’s around wintertime because the people have their jackets on.
2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
This picture is black and white.
I see straight lines, parallel lines, and lines that curve.
I also see squares, rectangles and circles.
3. Use Thesaurus.com to write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Five words that describe this image are relaxed, tranquilized, harmonious, peaceful and reprieved.
4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
I think this photograph means that you can be free in life, all the people in this picture look happy and at peace with the world. They look as if they come to this park to make all their troubles go away, also to fun as well.
5. IN A FULL SENTENCE, EXPLAIN HOW this image uses one of the Rules of Composition listed below:
Rules of Composition
· The Rule of 3rds
o Horizon Line in upper or lower 3rd
o Imaginary Grid with the Money Spots!
o Odd numbers are more interesting
· Simplicity
o Clean, uncomplicated backgrounds
o Clear focus on point of interest
· Actual and Implied Lines
o Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal
o Compositional Triangle
This picture explains the rules of composition really well; in this image it shows the simplicity rule because there is a clear background and you know exactly where they are.